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Painting 406 x 295 mm
Offset paper, watercolors, PVA glue, fuzzballs from clothes

Clothing is a way of communication with the outside world. Marketers lure us into buying another T-shirt, promising youth, beauty, joy, and the love of others. It seems that this new thing will make you happy. In reality, the product cannot fulfill its promise, and as a result, tens of millions of tons of textiles per year accumulate in landfills.

Concerns about environmental degradation, resource depletion, global warming, and trying to do something to reduce our carbon footprint have led to the idea of taking good care of our clothes. Often clothes become unattractive due to pilling. Their removal simultaneously serves two purposes: to refresh the appearance of the fabric and to collect material for artistic work. By not buying new things, you do not provoke overproduction.

In recent years, thanks to the fast fashion industry, many people have become able to constantly update their wardrobe. Excessive consumption of clothing has become a daily occurrence in developed countries. Unethical production, the use of semi-slave labor in developing countries, environmental pollution - and the result is low-quality clothing that quickly gets tired and goes into the trash because it costs (almost) nothing to buy new ones. What people need: good medicine, education, real estate - costs too much. Fast fashion tries to convince us of our well-being, to buy something without thinking and feel rich.

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